Our Story

Everything in the universe has been created and is transforming in a certain harmony and balance.

Our world is an ecological system that has been going on for billions of years, with its resources and all kinds of life forms, in similar dynamics, just like any other point in the universe.

Today, humanity has faced serious problems such as global warming, pollution, extinction of species, the spread of diseases such as cancer, which has turned into an epidemic, and far beyond these, due to unconscious consumption habits, cost-oriented methods, and ruthless preferences for profit.

In all our supply chains, we produce solutions and projects to include more sustainable alternatives in the products and services we offer to our customers.

Ocoverse is a new step towards the goal of zero waste and regaining the surplus resources obtained after production in the supply chain.

It aims to contribute to the sustainability of the world by sharing the existing materials of the suppliers with the relevant customers and by using these ready-made values created by using world resources.

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This situation is not sustainable.

In order to contribute to reaching a sustainable world again.

We are reconsidering the activities of our personal and companies.

We prefer sustainable opportunities brought by time.

  • Using ecological products
  • Using recycled materials
  • Using energies produced from sustainable sources
  • Preferring processes that include waste solutions that do not harm nature

And beyond that, we develop ideas and projects to produce innovative sustainable solutions.